Dumpstar Klin


Why Should We Recycle Electronic Waste?

Everyone wants to own the latest and most recent technology gadget that is launched in the market. A staggering number of electronic devices are introduced every month. But what happens to the old ones? Most people just throw them in their storage somewhere and come across them after long periods. They want to get rid […]


Effects of Solid Waste to our Environments

When was the last time you tracked what your company throws away on a daily basis? Over time, the effects of solid waste pollution can have an effect on your business and local community. Disposal Costs Most companies send their solid waste to landfills. This is because having your garbage sent to the landfill is usually less […]


Top 7 Recycling Material That Bring Sustainability

Recycling is the need of the hour. Individuals and commercial set-ups can do it on different levels. This article aims at throwing light on the vast possibility of recycling materials in manufacturing and other industries using equipment like recycling balers. 7 Manufacturing Materials Ideal for Recycling Following are the 7 manufacturing materials that must be recycled. […]